Youtube has messed up.


New Member
Today I saw something pretty shocking, to the point that even though it has nothing to do with my channel, I made a video instantly. I am very upset and disappointed.

YouTube are claiming to make their community child friendly. They've gone to 'extremes' to try and prevent people from creating content that will provide them with money or even allow them to post the content at all if it's considered extreme.

After jake paul. I really thought they would pick up that MENTAL HEALTH needs to be CAREFULLY REVIEWED!

My account is restricted. So this is even more shocking. I was approached by my 6 year old niece asking me what a thumbnail was for this video that has somehow BEEN RECOMMENDED. It was of self harm. It was graphic and deep self harm.

I proceeded to stare in shock. After clicking on the video it wasn't even restricted, let alone removed. The 'music video' was unofficial and posted by someone who was clearly trying to express self harm emotions. Now this video was a 5 minute video of only self harm photos with music in the background. It was graphic and very disturbing, even to me.

I think that yes, self harm should be more known in terms of mental illness. However you need to make people aware of this issue in the right way, and this youtube was not the right way. My niece even at her age knew that that was someone who was hurt and I was shocked. I can't believe you let this slide? This video wasn't new so there's no excuse for having little time to review it. The comments were full of people saying they were 10 minutes clean from hurting themselves, YOUTUBE YOU NEED TO SORT YOURSELF OUT.

I think that they really need to reevaluate how they are processing videos.
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