Would love some criticism if anyone is willing


Mar 27, 2019
Reaction score
Channel Type
Youtuber, Director, Comedian, Gamer
Hi all, I just recently uploaded my latest video, and I feel like I'm finally on the right track for the type of content I'd like to be producing.
As I go back over it, I'm continuously picking out every little thing I did wrong or could have done better, and I was wondering if others thought the same.
My main issues we're audio quality/leveling and the original thumbnail not dragging enough attention. I feel like the voice could have definitely been higher, but I was curious to see if it was hindering me in any way. I went ahead and re-did the thumbnail, and was wondering if it was a step in the right direction?
I guess my last real issue would be if the quality of the writing/voice acting was funny enough, or if I should have spent more time creating a more solid story.
Here's a link to the video
Any type of criticism is welcome, and I hope all of you are having a good day!
Attached is the first thumbnail I used.