I always find it hard to pick a favourite for me due to the variety that I watch from gamers, to vloggers, to tutorials etc. All different sized creators from a few subscribers to millions. I pick what I watch depending on what I am doing and my mood, anyone else do this? I watch so many sometimes it is hard to even think of someone off the top of my head.
Very hard to choose but I'll still go with Luisito Comunica because he focuses on showcasing the cultures and histories of the places he visits in his videos. Then there's Dude perfect and PewDiePie
Filthy Frank will always have a special spot in my heart but Caddicarus is by far my favourite channel. Other than that, I love Syrian, SquareEyedJak, Stevie T, TheGamingMuse and William Maranci. Also, check Deepfakery. It's a small channel that specializes in deep fakes and they/him/her deserve way more subscribers than they have.
I know most people are saying smaller channels but honestly, even though this channel isn't in my niche, Yes Theory is by far my favorite channel. They promote positivity and great content. I like to follow people when they have a story thread with their videos, but for some reason their channel keeps having me come back for more.