Which Partnership is good?


I'm looking to find a good network where I am able to terminate the contract if there are problems with them. I know Machinima is a terrible network and will lock you in for life.

I don't want to get into that situation.

I've been looking at

The Game Station

I know fullscreen has a 2 year contract and people say TGN has no lock in but I looked over my friend's recent TGN contract and it said 3 years. I haven't found much information on TGS.

Is there any better networks out there? Hopefully something with a short term contract in case anything happens.
You don't even know my channel, is that spam?
Soon as my contract ends with ZoominTv, i'm going to get partnered with Curse or Union for Gamers. They have a 90% no-lock in contract. I wouldn't go with Full-Screen because they have a terrible split and lock you in for 2 years.
I think should look to research a bit through Google, you haven't posted anywhere but here. Merely using the forum just for the sole purpose of find a network isn't the best option. Considering someone has dedicated a whole thread entailing all the networks and details for you.

I suggest filling in your profile information, so we may see your channel then maybe someone will be able to recommend checking out a network that would suit your requirements mate.

Take care bud, hope you find the network you're looking for!
Well it would help us if you said some stats or linked to your channel..

It looks like people just wants to post because it allows them to advertise their channel in threads. My channel is irrelevant to the topic.

Soon as my contract ends with ZoominTv, i'm going to get partnered with Curse or Union for Gamers. They have a 90% no-lock in contract. I wouldn't go with Full-Screen because they have a terrible split and lock you in for 2 years.

Yes I was looking at Curse or Union for Gamers.. One of my channel is stuck with fullscreen so I don't want to get into the same situation again.

However, the top networks people talk about are like fullscreen, tgn, machinama. I haven't heard about how Curse or Union for Gamers is in terms of Earnings.

This channel is more brand focused so I don't want to be stuck if it isn't going to work out :(

Fullscreen! They have so many apps to help your channel!

Thank you for your comment. Yes, I have one of the channels on Fullscreen but have a gut feeling not to tie two channels to the network in case something happens. Though it would be the last choice. Their earnings aren't bad either with 100$/day at the moment but that's after their cut.

Though I heard the network could also affect earnings thus I feel like testing around different network.
Curse/Union for Gamers would be better than TGN and Fullscreen.

Also TGS is called Polaris now.


I'm thinking Curse/Union for Gamers or TGS (Polaris) now. Curse has everything flat out and is simple to read. TGN was a real hassle for my friend and that would have been a last choice too. The lock in with fullscreen was really terrible. They forced us to accept this thing a couple months back to even login to your accounts because they swapped their platform. Then when I emailed them they were basically like "Too bad that's your only choice"