What's your method of generating video ideas?


I Is Batman
For me I decide on the spot wether I'm going to make a gameplay or a facecam! It's pretty easy tbh! But I'm interested tell me how you decide
My ideas come to me randomly honestly. I find if I try to think about them too hard I never get anywhere. So mine come really randomly.
Completely randomly. Very rarely I get an idea that leads to me burning to produce a video about it, but most days I just wake up with a random idea! :D
Sleepless nights. The majority of my ideas come from just thinking at night and talking to myself about stuff.
Pretty random ideas for the most part. I have a segment of my channel called Car Talks where I give advice the people sent in anonymously so those are really the only ones I have planned out ahead of time but only as the emails come in. I just usually make videos on things that I find interesting or want my viewers to see :)
My idea for "careless dad crushes toys with car" came from driving one day. It was council hard rubbish collection day in the neighborhood, and one place had lots of toys; some had fallen onto the road, and got crushed by passing traffic. I thought that might be a good idea. No one had done those yet on Yt. ~5 mill views and a few videos later, not my best idea, but not my worst either.
Mine come to me very randomly. I'll be in the shower and bam, I come up with an idea. Or I'll be sitting in class and think of a few more. Or if something happens to me that I think would be an interesting thing to create an animation about then I go ahead and do that :)