What Time Of The Year Does Ad Sells Pick Up?


I've Got It
Hey I Noticed That My Playback Cpm has been going up and down (mostly down) over the few months that i have been partnered my audience retention has said pretty much the same do you think holidays and game releases have something to do with it ?
I'd say November I.e when lot of products fight for sales at Christmas.
Thanks Man I was thinking their has Been No major game releases or major holidays thanks for the quick response Everyone will be fighting to get their ad up !
They start low in January, but pick up a tad up to the end of March, drop slightly at the start of April (start of Q2), grow more until June, stay steady till the end of June, then drop by about 5-10% at the start of July (start of Q3), they then grow at a steady rate to the end of September, at the start of October they again take a little hit, but then start rapidly going up to the sales season at Christmas.

Though that all depends, some higher end MCNs will spread their ads out wisely so the CPM stays mostly the same (not too low in January but not as high in December).