What makes a good sketch?


Whoop Whoop
What do you think makes a good sketch? If you're working alone and have to do all part, or if you have a bunch of actors, what makes people want to watch a sketch you made? Reply with what you think.
A good sketch is (obviously) supposed to be funny. I think the best way to do that is to be relevant with current trending topics and making jokes about them. Think of the numerous sketches that popped up relating to justin beiber in the past few years. Also, a sketch should be well made and structured so that it makes sense, you know (unless it's supposed to be completely random).
Edit any dead-space out that is not there for comedic or dramatic value... Timing, for me, is everything. Hope this helps =)
well what makes something funny? cause i know when i usually tell my phones a joke, theres just an awkward silence and i walk away :3
Dude, if you figure this out.. let me know. Subs and Viewers are a fickle beast.. I have done work that I have considered absolutely horrid and gotten 500+ views..and hard hitting stuff and only gotten 100-200.. so.. Just.. do what is fun to you and modify when you see what works ;)
The main indrediance to a good sketch is flow. Have a good flow through it, keep to the storyline. Go off topic for a few seconds like someone falling over or something to create a comedic element and get straight to it, for example someone running into a room would be the good time to come off topic with someone falling over, get up and the storyline is back on. Background music is effective too, clear loud audio is something you must have. Me and my sister make comedy/entertainment sketches our self, we recently made a short film and managed to accomplish some good cinematic effects. Hope I helped :)