What are the defining factors for YouTube Success?

I just thought I share what’s on my mind with you guys and gals!

I watch YouTube daily and have been a member since 1 of January 2008! I enjoy watching new channels and discovering people and many times I stumble upon amazing channels with well-made videos that are both entertaining and interesting, yet the view count is very low and subscribers are just about a few hundred. I subscribe not only to support but also because I genuinely like some of the videos, yet I also follow many big Youtuber’s, and have been following them for a long time and I can say many of the videos in the smaller channels are actually better. Introduction wise, content wise, delivery, everything.

What is it that actually separates the smaller Youtuber’s with a pretty much non-existent audience versus the bigger Youtuber’s with 100,000+ subscribers upwards to a few million? Is it marketing? Is the knowledge about key word ranking? No matter what the channel size, everyone started at zero. What do you guys think are the defining factors for making it on Youtube?

Who am I too judge what’s good and bad, but I hope you guys get what I mean :)
Hard work and consistency. Luck helps boost you however if you aren't adapting and improving daily then luck doesn't matter in the end!
I think luck has a lot to do with it to be honest.Just because it is so hard to be noticed, if you are lucky enough for people to stumble upon your videos, if they like them they will subscribe. But a lot of people don't have faith in small YouTubers, so they often won't even give them a chance.
Community, and consistency are two big factors I think. If you aren't active within the YouTube community outside of your own content, nobody is going to be able to discover your content. And I'm not talking about "sub4sub" and s**t like that, because that doesn't work. I'm talking about leaving genuine feedback on other people's contents and taking the time out of your day to watch their material.
There is no straight success story. It depends on your content and the effort you put behind it. It also depends on luck sometimes, but if you advertise enough and promote enough, you can get there.
Anyone can make anything happen if they put their 100% effort into whatever it is they are doing! No matter how hard something is, Just gotta keep pushing for success!
I see a lot of people here posting very motivational stuf. Consistency, self-criticism, self-improvement, knowledge of tags, quality and quantity of content, it is all important. However; the very big effect of luck should never be underestimated.
Show me one channel with very good content, or a very good host, that isn't successful, and I'll show you 10 thousand unsuccessful channels that post consistently, have good tags, good banners and good profile pictures.
Show me one channel with very good content, or a very good host, that isn't successful, and I'll show you 10 thousand unsuccessful channels that post consistently, have good tags, good banners and good profile pictures.

Atop of this; we can do the same the other way. There are soooooo many big and succesfull channels out there that completely mess up their tags and description.