Webcam/Facecam Is it helpful?


Hello there,
Lately I’ve been looking at ways to help add more entertaining elements to my videos/streams and have heard discussions about the webcam/facecam and how useful it is. Especially in a competitive niche like gaming.
I considered adding a camera to my content, but looking back at the videos I’m not the most exciting person to look at. I feel like I force myself to react on camera. Off camera I’m not very hyper, so I guess it translates over. If necessary I’ll learn to be more alive on camera naturally by breaking past my interpersonal personality.
My question is, is it worth having a webcam/facecam.
In my opinion, my favorite youtubers/streamers don't use webcams and it doesn't make me enjoy the content any less.
For example H2ODelirious has become one of the top youtube gamers and has never used a webcam, not only does
his content stay fun and exciting, there is the added mystery of what he might look like. If you don't feel like you are
a webcam type of person then I wouldn't use one. The more worthy thing is being yourself and if a webcam keeps that
from happening naturally then it may be a deficit.
You certainly don't need one to be successful. I tried one for a handful of videos and honestly wasn't digging it because it blocked part of the game and I also didn't have good lighting for it. My viewers don't seem to care if I use one or not as long as it's not blocking anything they want to see. It could be useful for branding purposes if you want people to recognize you.
I dont really see that it is a massive thing. The main thing that keeps people coming back to videos is whether or not the person playing and commentating is entertaining to them. You dont need a facecam to explain your personality. Unless you are going to be doing extra stuff on camera that you would not otherwise see in the video then I believe it is a waste of disk space and editing time that could be spent elsewhere improving content.
You don´t need a webcam to make it big on Youtube, but I would say try and play with it a little. Mixing things up is no sin, and who knows, maybe you will learn new things over time:) Best of luck with your channel