We Would love a Bushel of Subscribers :)

Sir Friendship

I've Got It
we've had our channel up for a few days now and would love to get some more subscribers, and would also love to see what the other youtubers on yttalk have going on. :)

TraumaticPanda (our channel) will have:

-Video Game Revies
-Lets Play Videos
-Anime Reviews
-Movies and Television Show Reviews
-Much Much More in the Near Future

Sooo we would love for you guys just to check out our videos, pretty simple right? Please subscribe, if you don't see anything you like right now, wait a little bit, the best has yet to come.

Also, would love to hear some thoughts on what we currently have, so I guess this is both a review and promotion thread haha.

You can check out our most recent video in my signature, and the rest of them on our channel, please and thank you. :)