Vote for the Girls Victory: Dancing with the Stars 29

Self-review: Overall an okay video. I noticed that it is a reaction video, and I'm leaving it up to the community to give criticism. Only problem I believe has to be the quality, and it has cost me some YouTube views.
I would appreciate feedback because I wasn't getting it on another forum.
Just some off-the-cuff thought.

1) The first 4 minutes and 44 seconds were garbage. Made no sense. Didn't explain anything. Was weird.
2) At 4:44, a "she" appeared and could be barely heard over the music.
3) What could be heard was of very poor audio quality. Sound like "she" had cotton balls in "her" mouth.
4) I really doubt anyone got this far ... who wasn't family or friends.
5) But due to its divisive nature, I had no interest to watch further.
I agree with Jack...
I didn't make it very far into your video, but i've watched short clips from other videos in the pass
I can appreciate that you have this cause you believe in, but you aren't doing the cause any favors by creating what seems like very low effort and low budget videos from in the style of 2008 youtube. I think your local public library has free account. highly suggest taking a lynda class on video editing and storytelling if this is a cause you really believe in.
Without a doubt, I'm not your audience but.
If not, keep doing what you're doing.
I agree with Jack...
I didn't make it very far into your video, but i've watched short clips from other videos in the pass.
You are not the first and certainly won’t be the last. I am fully aware of this common complaint
I can appreciate that you have this cause you believe in, but you aren't doing the cause any favors by creating what seems like very low effort and low budget videos from in the style of 2008 youtube. I think your local public library has free account. highly suggest taking a lynda class on video editing and storytelling if this is a cause you really believe in.
Without a doubt, I'm not your audience but.
If not, keep doing what you're doing.
So let me get this straight, Vote for the Girls is stuck in a time warp if I’m not mistaken.

This is why we have channel relaunches.
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