Video review


I want feedback on my video production, that includes the effects being used as well as the transition, I want to understand if I am doing too much or something is lacking within that video production that people may not find appealing about, and could possibly find a solution towards fixing it. Also I want to know if my video's are appealing towards my niche 'gaming' as well as it is suppose to be a cross being 'gaming' and 'humour', I just want to know if you video is funny or "if I make it funny enough".

Here is the video for review:
Hi there! Great video. Here are a few comments:

1) The introduction was TOO long. At first I thought I was going to sit through 6 minutes of an entire video with just the music and no commentary and I'm sure other viewers who have never seen your channel before will think the same. I would cut this down to maybe 5-10 seconds of a funny highlight moment, or something to catch the viewers attention.

2) While I do appreciate the subtitles to your commentary, I thought the huge text was maybe a bit too distracting.. I like the font, but maybe just a few pts smaller...

Overall I think it was a pretty good video, the only real problem I had with it was the long introduction. It really threw me off because I was not expecting any sort of comedy or commentary. But i was pleasantly surprised. Especially with the Spongebob time cards. lmao.