Uploading in HD with Sony Vegas

What are the lossless settings in Vegas, I'll do a little test?
When you use the "Upload To YouTube" feature of Sony Vegas you get a box that says "normal or higher" quality... higher means almost lossless

But as I am changing from Vegas to Adobe soon I am not learning how to use Vegas enough to tell you about the settings, sorry :(

Adobe Premiere? It's a great program, I'm a huge Adobe fan. But, Vegas is a lot simpler to use and better suited to what I need, which isn't much since I'm only vlogging. Anyway, back on topic, I'm going to upload a small lossless video, and can you guys let me know if you see a difference?
perhaps it´s just the camera itself... The better the camera etc...

It´s not like it´s a bad quality overall, eventually you´ll upgrade but at the moment it´s watchable for sure!

Don´t beat yourself up about it, everything comes with dedication, patience and time!

What are the lossless settings in Vegas, I'll do a little test?
lossless in vegas is lossless lol thats actually a format for movies =p

EDIT: i do make tutorials =p but thanks for the compliment i try :)
Okay jareds tech talk of the day coming up, hope you can wrap your mind around this because this is HIGHLY advanced editing talk (not the words but the concept) but here goes:

.mp4 is a simple conversion rate. What does that nonsense mean? well it means that it takes your video and force compresses it into a reasonable size without "sacrificing" quality. Now, you might read that and be like YES! thats what i want, but read on because the word "sacrifice" is used very lightly in the definition. The .mp4 creates keyframes of the video between certain points. A key frame is the data that makes the video move and let you see what you see. Basically it says at this moment in time you were there then 5 seconds later you were there. Now your camera makes keyframes every single frame, otherwise it would be choppy and blocky and wouldn't hold the quality of the video.

BUT, .mp4 recreates the original video and puts keyframes in predetermined locations. This means that the in the middle of the keyframes is a little worse quality (bear with me now) so this file extension says, okay every few seconds the quality gets even better for that key frame moment so in order to keep a constant bitrate in your movie, it synchs the entire quality into a lower quality. ( so don't go into yuor video and try to find where it "put" the keyframes lol)

So the quality of your original definitely is better than the end result. To better understand your problem, take a warm homemade cookie, really good right? now crush it in your hands and as the warm drippy chocolate drops to the floor, you have your .mp4 file because it is now "compressed" and you lost some of the quality (the appearance and the chocolate that fell to the floor)

As of right now there is no way to convert a file from .mp4 or mpeg4 to anything else and get your quality back, because new formats are gonna take what .mp4 has and change that. So my recommendation is to either use to share to youtube feature and click on the highest settings possible or you can try exporting using a complex format, but please be warned, the export times will be much more than what your most likely used to.

Well guys that wraps up Jareds Tech Talk, stay tuned for more episodes :D

.MP4 is just the container, it has nothing to do with the quality. Its all about the codecs used inside the container and the parameters for those codecs contained within.
You can freely change back and forth between MKV, MP4, and even AVI (given a codec AVI supports fully dont use AVC) without any loss of quality.

Keyframes can be set in the encoding process but have nothing to do with quality, only seeking. You can encode a video with no keyframes and it will play fine.