No networks will promote your channel at your size, none of all, this is what people need to understand. The only exception is the likes of some networks like RPM/Socialblade, which do partner spotlights etc. but what you need to understand about this is that these people will probably wait months to be featured considering the amount of channels there are attached to their network. What most networks do however, will offer some simple tools, such as royalty-free music and other things to help with the branding of your channel, but that is about is, some offer a forum for other partners to talk and collaborate, like fullscreen or TGN, but I've noticed it merely just turns into people spamming their channel and videos hoping it will gain them some increase of views.
Anyway, do your research, if your wanting growth and promotion from a larger network, grow your channel and wait until you are of significant size, other than that, not much you can do I'm afraid.