Other The Bored Miners need Body Actors and Voice Actors!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner here, and I'm here to talk to you about a project we have planned; I can't say much, very hush-hush, but we are currently planning on starting a new, story series, with mixed cinematic and first person POV. This is sort of like the Yogscast's Shadow of Israphel, but with a COMPLETELY different story, and without pure in-game footage. What we're aiming for is a mix between a Minecraft Movie and a Let's Play of sorts.
So, why have I posted in this Forum? Well, we need help, and lots of it!
We need Body Actors and Voice Actors. Every single mob, person, etc. will be a body actor, which means we need quite a lot, depending on the script, which we are still writing. Each Actor will be required to fill out an application; we can't afford to be sidetracked by griefers, low-quality mics, etc. Please note that everyone who helps will be noted in the description of each video, and links will be given to your channels.
So, without further ado, here are the applications:

Body Actor:
Minecraft IGN:
Do you have any experience?:
Are you patient?:
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?:
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?:

Voice Actor:
Do you have any experience with voice acting?:
How old are you?:
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?:
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?:

I hope that we are able to get some good people on this project with us. We really need the help :).
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner
I Will Help! Body Actor
Minecraft IGN: Kjackskull
Do you have any experience?: Yes
Are you patient?: Yes
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?: Yes, But What Do You Mean Like Tell About The Project?
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?: Yes, And Im A Gaming Channel Not Machinma
I Will Help! Body Actor
Minecraft IGN: Kjackskull
Do you have any experience?: Yes
Are you patient?: Yes
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?: Yes, But What Do You Mean Like Tell About The Project?
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?: Yes, And Im A Gaming Channel Not Machinma
By "tell about the project" I mean go and tell other people about what we're doing; we need to keep this hush-hush so that no one decides to copy us :p
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner
Voice Actor:
Do you have any experience with voice acting?: No but I enjoy making character voices and have a variety to choose from
How old are you?: 24
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?: Yes
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?: NO? lol just kidding Yes I have no experience in recording game play nor is my computer smart enough to play minecraft without freezing. lol
Voice Actor
Do I have any experience? No, but have to start somewhere
How old? 24
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story? Yes
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself? yes
so im i in the video and when do we start
We will start when we are done designing the sets and writing the scripts; it probably won't be for awhile, but keep an eye out and follow this thread so that you'll know when we are about to begin. One question, though; what is your time zone? When we do stet recording, etc. We will be doing it at 5 PM GMT -7 :/
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner[DOUBLEPOST=1343425500][/DOUBLEPOST]
Voice Actor:
Do you have any experience with voice acting?: No but I enjoy making character voices and have a variety to choose from
How old are you?: 24
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?: Yes
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?: NO? lol just kidding Yes I have no experience in recording game play nor is my computer smart enough to play minecraft without freezing. lol
Sounds good, we will let you know when we need you :). Add me on Skype so that you can reach me easily; my Skype name is braydr.
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner[DOUBLEPOST=1343425703][/DOUBLEPOST]
Voice Actor
Do I have any experience? No, but have to start somewhere
How old? 24
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story? Yes
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself? yes
Ok, we will be sure to contact you when we need you; add me on Skype so that it is easier as well. My Skype name is braydr.
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner
Hi everyone, Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner here, and I'm here to talk to you about a project we have planned; I can't say much, very hush-hush, but we are currently planning on starting a new, story series, with mixed cinematic and first person POV. This is sort of like the Yogscast's Shadow of Israphel, but with a COMPLETELY different story, and without pure in-game footage. What we're aiming for is a mix between a Minecraft Movie and a Let's Play of sorts.
So, why have I posted in this Forum? Well, we need help, and lots of it!
We need Body Actors and Voice Actors. Every single mob, person, etc. will be a body actor, which means we need quite a lot, depending on the script, which we are still writing. Each Actor will be required to fill out an application; we can't afford to be sidetracked by griefers, low-quality mics, etc. Please note that everyone who helps will be noted in the description of each video, and links will be given to your channels.
So, without further ado, here are the applications:

Body Actor:
Minecraft IGN:
Do you have any experience?:
Are you patient?:
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?:
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?:

Voice Actor:
Do you have any experience with voice acting?:
How old are you?:
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?:
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?:

I hope that we are able to get some good people on this project with us. We really need the help :).
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner
Body Actor:
Minecraft IGN:CainDamon
Do you have any experience?:idk what you mean
Are you patient?: very
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?:yes
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?:yes

Voice Actor:
Do you have any experience with voice acting?:no but i can change my voice around
How old are you?: 15
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?:yes
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?:si
We will start when we are done designing the sets and writing the scripts; it probably won't be for awhile, but keep an eye out and follow this thread so that you'll know when we are about to begin. One question, though; what is your time zone? When we do stet recording, etc. We will be doing it at 5 PM GMT -7 :/
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner[DOUBLEPOST=1343425500][/DOUBLEPOST]
Sounds good, we will let you know when we need you :). Add me on Skype so that you can reach me easily; my Skype name is braydr.
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner[DOUBLEPOST=1343425703][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ok, we will be sure to contact you when we need you; add me on Skype so that it is easier as well. My Skype name is braydr.
- Sergeantmolt, Bored Miner
My Time Zone Is GMT So We're Good But Um Message Me At Any Time When You Begin The Project Because I Up All The Time And I Mean ALL THE TIME.:smug:
I will apply for both :D

Body Actor:
Minecraft IGN: RobbieF95
Do you have any experience?: Not of body acting (Play Minecraft a lot though)
Are you patient?: Very
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?: Agreed
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?: Agreed

Voice Actor:
Do you have any experience with voice acting?: Yes (not on youtube though)
How old are you?: 16 (17 in Sept)
Will you agree to not show anyone else what we have done, or reveal the story?: Agreed
Will you agree to not steal our idea and use it yourself?: Agreed