Subscriber Viewership worries


I have 210 subscribers, but according to my analytics, 99% of my views come from non-subscribers. I really want a good base of subscribers that come back to my channel and watch my videos when I upload other than my real life friends. I'm very consistent in uploading 2-3 times a week and it's not a bunch of different jumbled topics. I am not too sure what else to do. Am I just being impatient? I just need advice from someone who was in a similar situation 's advice.
I wonder if it's because the products/topics your videos center around only appeal to certain people at certain times. Like if most of your subscribers are happy with their monitor, they're unlikely to watch "BEST Gaming Monitors For Less Than $100", but there's probably someone out there looking that exact thing who will stumble upon your video through the search. I feel like that might just be the nature of the content that you're producing? But you haven't been making those kinds of videos for too long, so maybe it will just take some time to build up a reliable subscriber base. Time will tell, I guess.
By the way, kinda unrelated, but I really like your thumbnails :)
It is not really strange i believe.
There are some reasons one subscribe to a channel.
A. Good content (that does not mean all the time I guess...)
B. Trends or popularity of the channels owner.
C. Giveaways gifts and so.
D. Payed promotion sub4sub etc.

I have noticed this on some bigger channels
i am not subscribed but i check from time to time.
Video appears in suggested.
Channel with more 300.000 subscribers.
If a video have peaked in 7-10 days it is about:
Less than 10.000 views
Quite 1300 likes
Over 100 comments (from positive to "wow")

So. As long as you got real even random views
maybe you do not have to worry over everything!
Because your content is shown to new viewers
Either you do a great job in title tag descritpion!
It's a pretty meaningless stat to be honest and in a way you should be pleased that non-subs are watching your channel. It means that new people are discovering it. It's all about the views at the end of the day. Your content is the sort of content that people will search for, watch the video to get the info they were looking for and then carry on with their day. That's a good thing by the way - Just make sure you have excellent SEO (tags, description and titles) so that your content is easily found via search. Good luck.
I think most people find that to be the case. iv even seen a few video's from big you tubers that mention that the majority of views are from non subscribers. the only reason why subscriber count really matters now is the new sub requirement, once that requirement is met its met its subscribers are kind of a meaningless number again. how you fall in the algorithm and rankings is far more important.

the non sub viewers are almost more important anyway as it represents new people finding your channel. also people who watch your video's are more likely to have more of your video's suggested to them to watch in the future even if they are not subscribed. at least for me suggested reigns king, 65% of my views come from this category.
Same here dude. 99% views from non subs.
I honestly dont mind it either. Views generate the revenue.
I see subs as the stepping board to get it going, then the video is out there trying to find a way into the You Tube algorithm.
honestly nowadays with so much content and competition out there, I wouldn't worry too much. think of getting new subs the equivalent of getting a like basically. anyone can like a video and move forward but it doesn't mean they're going to watch all your videos. now there are exceptions of course but if you view it that way, it shouldn't bum you out too much.
I think this is a pretty typical stat to have honestly. In a way it is a good thing that most your views aren't your subs, because those are all possible subs :) Wish you the best of luck with your channel and keep up the hard work!
Dont feel bad, youre channel will grow and you will always have more non subs looking at youre content. I mean you could be me... a victim of youtube algorthm.
134 videos and 4 years of this bs and still get s**t views maby 20 per video with 2k subs. I still dont know why i just dont quit and shoot myself in a back alley.

Felt the need to edit that i has a dark humor lol.
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