Something For Everyone!

Sir Friendship

I've Got It
Our channel is getting a pretty big overhaul in the next few weeks. What started a week ago as simply a gaming channel will soon morph into a magnificent beast, one which gives the masses movie reviews, televison show reviews, anime reviews, retro video game reviews, indie game reviews, lets plays, and much much more.

So if any of this interests you in the slightest, it would be super special awesome if you could subscribe, come on it takes two seconds haha. We would really love to get 50 subscribers before we start releasing our new series, not sure why, I guess its just a little milestone we would love to reach.

Thank you so much for helping us thus far, and we look forward to bringing youtube and yttalk fresh new content.

-Aron (editor/co-creator of TraumaticPanda)

New uploaded video which goes over these upcoming changes and also shows our release schedule, just hit play, and browse yttalk as you listen to it, please and thank you :)

Also with new series comes new people, so we will be introducing a handful of new members to the TraumaticPanda family!
