Other Shoutout?

Ishan Sardar

I've Got It
um not really sure if this is collab but this seems like a good place to post it so I did...so this is request to ppl who luv games to checkout my channel watch a couple of vidz and then make a video of themselves saying random stuff about my channel like hey Ishan i really enjoy ur videos, hope you upload more of them blah blah blah and upload it somewhere so I can download em and put them together...oh yeah one of thing make sure you mention my name tho its Ishan (The I pronounce as (I)gloo) you can use just Ish as (sixish, sevenish) if u want. So I guess that's about it....hoping to hear from you guys...
I am thinking of eventually working on a series of every-2-weeks Friday that highlights YouTubers who use the media to display their gaming experience. In a way, YT has a powerful anthropological experience because people use it to extend their life experience and give other people a a proxy POV of how they enjoy games and gaming.

If so, I'll just trawl the forums here and pick up people interested in being part of it.