Should I Vlog instead? Help!


Hey guys , ok so I am new to the whole making videos thing.

However , I have had a nice amount of views and subs for what I have put up. Now I am still learning , so don't know which route to take. I have a mixture of TAG , Tutorials , and vlogs on my channel. Could you take a look and help me decide which one I should do . I know the quality and videos are not amazing yet , but im learning. Thanks if you do

Really need some feedback , be it good or bad !

Heres a tutorial I done , the rest are on my channel.

thanks for your time !
Hey! I think what you have is good so far, just work on expanding and bettering what you already have. It seems like you have an idea what you want to do with your channel, so just keep at it would be the best advice I can give you. We all start off somewhere.
Hey! I think what you have is good so far, just work on expanding and bettering what you already have. It seems like you have an idea what you want to do with your channel, so just keep at it would be the best advice I can give you. We all start off somewhere.

thank you , much appreciated !