Scary Childhood Memories


Nerdy/Writing/Advice Vlogger

Today I share scary memories from my childhood. They're rather ridiculous and rather funny, but we were all scared of stupid things when we were kids!
You're right, geese ARE pretty scary!

Also, one time at a zoo and I was wearing bright blue pants and got chased by a peacock. It's funny now, but back then I was terrified lol
You're right, geese ARE pretty scary!

Also, one time at a zoo and I was wearing bright blue pants and got chased by a peacock. It's funny now, but back then I was terrified lol

Oh, no! Peacocks seem so docile. Haha, that'd be funny to see, but anything coming after me would give me a scare. I'm starting to think birds in general are just jerks!

i used to be scared of this skeleton / coffin piggy bank

Skeletons are pretty unnerving. Halloween as a child was a lot more frightening. Now haunted houses are just fun! Anything glow in the dark as well used to give me a scare...especially this glow in the dark Casper the ghost toy. I had to bury it under all my stuffed animals so I could sleep!