Same s**t all the time!!

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Yttalk Pokemon Expert
Ive been waiting a huge amount of time now and still have no access to Maker Central. It's getting on my nervs. Does anyone know any solution pleas :( ? and is there any representatent from RPM here to help me out :( ?
2 weeks to be precise :( It takes them ages and ive sent them messages a thousand times and still no respond :(
huh... that is odd haha. Sorry, usually people who make these posts wait for like 2 hours and start complaining haha. It's probably cause they are getting a lot of new partnerships and are extremely understaffed. :/ well hopefully it gets sorted out.
huh... that is odd haha. Sorry, usually people who make these posts wait for like 2 hours and start complaining haha. It's probably cause they are getting a lot of new partnerships and are extremely understaffed. :/ well hopefully it gets sorted out.
Hope so :([DOUBLEPOST=1379965751,1379965732][/DOUBLEPOST]
Can we have a little assistance here ( @RPM Jess )
Hope he will respond :-/
Please exercise some patience here, everyone is aware it can take a while, if its been more than 3 weeks then it would be a good idea to contact them via their support system or message RPM Jess on YTtalk for assistance. Heres your original thread on this too:

Please stick to that one unless there has been some update you would like to write about in a new thread :)
2 weeks to be precise :( It takes them ages and ive sent them messages a thousand times and still no respond :(
It's only been one week and three days, if we really want to be precise. :) It can take up to two weeks to receive your invitation, as others have mentioned. If you haven't received it after three weeks have passed (which means October 4th), then let me know and I can see what the problem is.
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