Here's my story. My partnership got cancelled due to a copyright strike back in June 2013. At the time, June 2013, I was a partner for 3 months. This means I should of got paid twice, correct? But NO, I got paid once. It seems they stole my money which I earned BEFORE my copyright strike.
But that's not the point. After my partnership cancelled, my videos still stayed monetized. RPM is making money off my videos still to this date! I haven't made a single penny off of them; and me not be a partner and having a copyright strike is not the point! Why should RPM continue to profit from my videos.
Right, now I know some of you are thinking, so what, who cares, its probably only a couple hundred dollars. Well you are wrong. Since June 2013 this is the amount of cash I have made!
Why has such a big network been allowed to steal $12,000!
Once again, I've acknowledged that I have a copyright strike and I don't deserve the money (well I do really) but why do RPM get it? I'd rather it go to charity or no one.
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