Robber gets Pwned Episode 1


The Man who sold the world

Second Push for this video! lets see if we can get it to 200 views by sundays end ;) enjoy people! comment rate and share!
Were you recording in this one?
hah actually no! i didn't even know Paul recorded it! he was at his cousins house and they just did it for kicks and giggles...but then when i watched it i came up with the idea of "well lets make a series outta it and see how we can kill this robber in different ways/situations" so that's how it all came about haha
hah actually no! i didn't even know Paul recorded it! he was at his cousins house and they just did it for kicks and giggles...but then when i watched it i came up with the idea of "well lets make a series outta it and see how we can kill this robber in different ways/situations" so that's how it all came about haha

Theres more coming soon, thats awesome I am glad it wasnt a one off. I want to see him nearly getting away with it then something happening :D
Theres more coming soon, thats awesome I am glad it wasnt a one off. I want to see him nearly getting away with it then something happening :D

haha oh we are planning something like that....but there is a MAJOR twist on it hahaha next robber episode will be uploaded after we upload a short skit so late july early august!
other short skits definitely!! expect to see a lot of these while we finish up the mock Trailer series!
I see you guys doing longer stuff some day like short films, it would be awesome I bet :D

thanks man! that is the plan to do short films like we did back in 2005/2006 (as seen on our commentary series!) except now we are much more experienced so we can shoot out better content! we are working on a couple short films...there kinda Pre-production right now tho! hopefully in August we can start the production