Partnership's ?????????


A Destructive Panda
So im not the brightest when it come to YouTube slang as well as things other than videos related to YouTube, however theres a lot of talk not only on theses forums but everywhere about partnerships.

this could possibly be wrong but i am thinking that when your a gamer you have a gaming related partnership, please help me

my second question what sought of partnership would i be looking for as i make 'very' different videos not at all to do with gaming, to be honest i cant really explain it. (you dont have to answer this question it just would be helpful.)

thanks. :D
P.s i know that i have to get much more popular but i just want a target of a dream to head for.
Hello Demolition!

partnerships are very good for gamers especially because it allows you avoid copy right issues most of the time, because the network you partnered with will get those permissions for you. it will also generate more money for you.

from my understanding there doesn't exist alot of networks for specific genres, like music for example, but there is alot that does it all.

before signing anything or signing up for anything read through the contract!
Hello Demolition!

partnerships are very good for gamers especially because it allows you avoid copy right issues most of the time, because the network you partnered with will get those permissions for you. it will also generate more money for you.

from my understanding there doesn't exist alot of networks for specific genres, like music for example, but there is alot that does it all.

before signing anything or signing up for anything read through the contract!

Thanks for the Information, so there isn't really genres in partnerships, i wouldn't of known that if it wasn't for you and these forums. thanks. :D
Many networks offering partnerships have sections known as verticals, there will be general ones and ones specific to a content type music, gaming, vlogging for example. If you dont fit into one of these you will likely be placed in one of their more general verticals. The best thing you can do is make sure the network fits with what you are looking for, do some research and ask around before signing and you will likely end up with a partnership you are happy being in :)
Many networks offering partnerships have sections known as verticals, there will be general ones and ones specific to a content type music, gaming, vlogging for example. If you dont fit into one of these you will likely be placed in one of their more general verticals. The best thing you can do is make sure the network fits with what you are looking for, do some research and ask around before signing and you will likely end up with a partnership you are happy being in :)

Thanks for the help, also do you know of any of the average quality/requirements , (100<subs, ???)
Partnerships are where you are put into a network, Or you monetize your videos.

Networks are a company that basically help you and your channel grow while the both of you gain money from getting your videos watched. I know there are networks that aren't just for gamers however I don't know the name of them off the top of my head.
Partnership is a topic you want to do a lot of research on.

To the OP, at your size, I wouldn't even be thinking about partnership, it's not something that you don't just want to apply, accept and rush into, there are a lot of things to consider about signing up to a particular network, such as contract length, revenue split and so many more things. One of the things you should realise about networks is that they do not help you get 'known' as everyone likes to think they help you with, some merely provide you with simple tools which can benefit you.

I'd highly recommend reading my thread on what to consider when choosing a YouTube network, hopefully it will answer most of the questions you may have:

Also, I see @Michael has posted my list of networks and requirements page too, that should help for some further knowledge too.

If you have any questions feel free to reply or message me privately, whatever is best. :)