Parody Song Copyright Question


I've Got It
Hey guys, I want to make a video but I am having concerns over copyright.
I want to make a video that contains the cover of You're So Vain in the background.
Now, can I get the strike even if:
  • it's a cover
  • it's a butchered version (1 chorus and couple of verses)
  • the arrangement's different and lyrics are slightly altered
  • I'm not using the instrumental of the original song
  • the pitch is lowered and the song is way slower than the original?
I want to emphasize that all the changes to the song have to do with a joke in the video itself and aren't done for the purposes of avoiding copyright filters. In addition, the song does not play in about the half of the video (that is, no one would play the video for the sake of listening to the song).
Is it Fair Use, does it count as a parody?
It's only a parody If you're doing all of the above to make fun of the original song and not something completely unrelated and using the song for comedic effect (satire).

If the average person listening to your song will know what song you're using, you *can* be at risk.

Unfortunately, that's something that only a court can decide... which could be a very long and costly process for most.
Well, that's precisely the issue... the way you described it, I really can't put my finger whether it's parody or satire. The song is put in a ridiculous context. It definitely is satire, but it can easily be parody.
Ugh. Wish we had a court person here to decide instantly. :D
Sorta related question - how do music channels survive at all? Miranda Sings, Miranda Reese, Jonathan Young... The songs they sing aren't exactly public domain. :)
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