Gaming New Youtube group! (Youtube GG)

I am very interested in joining your gaming channel. Is this a community channel where many people would post? I currently have 20 subs.
No it not a channel it a skype and youtube group and it to help small channels grow[DOUBLEPOST=1462025015,1461951310][/DOUBLEPOST]bump[DOUBLEPOST=1462110278][/DOUBLEPOST]Bump
Looking for someone to collab with i have 1k subs and get a good amount of veiws hmu i play pretty much anything
Before anyone get worried this isn't just for gamers!
YouTube GG is a YouTube group that will be here to help big and small channel of all types
(Gaming, Vloggers, Ranter, Skit channels, .etc)

Main Channel:

We will have a main channel in the future (Maybe):
This channel will be a tips and entertainment channel (for new channels)!


Collabs will be a big point of this group as well!

Staff and Channels:

We will be look for about 10-15 Channels to come in but this number will grow the more staff we get. for Staff we are looking but have to be 17+!

Now there are some requirements:

Need to have over 20 subs!
Need have a active channel!
Need to have Fun!

If you want to join MSG me on skype: OGonister or here on YTtalk!

Hey There
I would like to collab.
Before anyone get worried this isn't just for gamers!
YouTube GG is a YouTube group that will be here to help big and small channel of all types
(Gaming, Vloggers, Ranter, Skit channels, .etc)

Main Channel:

We will have a main channel in the future (Maybe):
This channel will be a tips and entertainment channel (for new channels)!


Collabs will be a big point of this group as well!

Staff and Channels:

We will be look for about 10-15 Channels to come in but this number will grow the more staff we get. for Staff we are looking but have to be 17+!

Now there are some requirements:

Need to have over 20 subs!
Need have a active channel!
Need to have Fun!

If you want to join MSG me on skype: OGonister or here on YTtalk!

i would love to join the group. i have a very active channel! not many subs though
skype: it would be my name or email address
kyle speke
picture is Penguin
I would love to! I'm currently making the change into a pure gaming channel compared to a single game based channel. Currently at 830+ subs and looking to collaborate with people around the same amount :)
I am really interested in joining your group I am a gaming YouTuber who has over 200 subscribers my question would be is there mandatory colabs or can we just colab when we want to? I know some groups want to do colab once every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday I can colab with anyone as long as they are an active YouTuber that is really serious about what they want to do! And the message that they want to spread But I also have a chaotic work schedule I'm sure this makes me sound like I am really uptight but in all reality I'm one of the most laid-back kind of guys ever lol. when I started YouTube I always thought of colabs being ways to make long lasting friends and I still do to this day :) hope to hear from you guys soon :)