Need help

I am trying to get my videos enough views to make some $. I setup my account for monetization. How do I get exposure? I need help please. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.
It seems to me like you already gathered a viewer-base for your videos (even if you only have two)

I wouldn't have the attitude "I need money, so I'm making videos" Viewers can easily tell through your videos and you won't earn near to anything even if you are getting 10,000 views per video or so.
The best advice I can give you is, disable monetization immediately! In the end it will cause you more trouble than it's worth.
It's very easy for someone to click bomb you, which means if I didn't like you and wanted to be a butthole I could just continuously click your ads. This would make Adsense think your cheating the system and blacklist your account. Once your blacklisted you cannot be partnered using that channel. It also can take longer for Youtube to release your channel if you ever did get partnership.
With your current stats, and the time you've done it in. Awesome work! With the audience loving the content you're throwing out, ALREADY- You'll be fine and will make that $$$. Just don't think on it too much, have fun at what you do because the viewers can tell what you're on YouTube for- making money, or entertaining for your own enjoyment as well as your viewers. Keep having fun at what you do and don't think on the money side of things, it could affect your content! ;]