Need feedback on my experiment: Let's play psychology


Aug 9, 2017
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I'm running a small-scale (very small-scale) psychology channel on youtube, in which I explain why some people engage in a certain behaviour. In the meanwhile, I'm also trying to do it in an entertaining way.

2 weeks ago, I was talking to a friend of mine about the channel and he asked me why I didn't do any "Let's play" videos. And I figured it might be cool to mix psychology with gaming.

So I made a little try out video and I was wondering whether people would like such a video.

The reason why I'm a careful with posting it online is that I am mixing different kind of interests, which doesn't always turn out to be good.

To give you an example; a few weeks ago, I posted this video:
It's an animation video about "How Hodor became Hodor", not some kind of fan theory but a genuine scientific analysis. I promoted it in a Game of Thrones reddit as I thought that people might like it, but they didn't. The video has around 230 views (my personal record), 3 likes (of which one is my own), 3 dislikes and it gained me no subscribers.

This is why I would like some feedback from you, the great youtubers. What do you think? Is doing a cross-over a good idea? Why (not)?

Thanks for your feedback!

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