Gaming Mobile Gaming Collaboration


New Member
Hello my channel has 110+ views across 4 videos. I have 11 subscribers. The games that I play on my channel are Clash of Clans and Madden Mobile(3COC Vids, 1 MM Vid). I am looking to expand to other games such as Clash Royale, Boom Beach, NBA Live Mobile, etc.

If you have a gaming channel with 10+ subs and at least 50 views, I would like for you contact me via twitter @Melcheko.

The videos we could make would be uploaded within the next week or so. We can work it all out personally when/if you contact me.
hey Melcheko, I want to collaboration with you. I have 400 sub and +150 view active. I pay clash of clan and clash royale.i have a idea we will do about clash of clan base , like funny base and challenging you and me and having fun of other game of mobile.

hope you will understand

your friend sandesh

channel of youtube :::: Comedy clasher
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