Machinima Dilemna


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's whats going on. Me and a friend of mine did a video for machinima realm. He is all ready partnered and is a director as well. He was helping me out. The guy who sorts through the videos for machinima made us edit the video 4 times to the point where it was no where near our original product. But, we were going along with the promise that I will be made director when the video hits realm. So the video gets on realm and it fails HARD. But at that point the guy in realm erked me so bad that I could care less I just want the paperwork so I can be director. The whole point I was pushing to be director was to make it easier to be partnered. But the guy backed out and asked us to do another video. So we were going to do a pokemon series of sorts where we do art work but it has an interesting twist. The guy the says "No one is interested in Pokemon, try league of legends" and goes on to say any video I do will fail because there is no big youtubers in it. So, a bigger youtuber said that go ahead and apply you will get approved. Obviously I got denied :( So now I feel stuck. I approach people trying to collab on videos on youtube to boost each other channels and they ignore me.The one time I was accepted to collab it was a bunch of preteens and I felt old as dirt and it unorganized so now I am leery with playing with people under 17.Then I am being told my channel is too random by some people. But I want my channel to reflect my interest (Gaming,anime,movies,and food). Then , I am afraid to post certain videos because I don't have the protection of a partnership. But, then when I am interested in some programs I get horror stories. LOL, I am so confused..... Help!!!
Ok, here's whats going on. Me and a friend of mine did a video for machinima realm. He is all ready partnered and is a director as well. He was helping me out. The guy who sorts through the videos for machinima made us edit the video 4 times to the point where it was no where near our original product. But, we were going along with the promise that I will be made director when the video hits realm. So the video gets on realm and it fails HARD. But at that point the guy in realm erked me so bad that I could care less I just want the paperwork so I can be director. The whole point I was pushing to be director was to make it easier to be partnered. But the guy backed out and asked us to do another video. So we were going to do a pokemon series of sorts where we do art work but it has an interesting twist. The guy the says "No one is interested in Pokemon, try league of legends" and goes on to say any video I do will fail because there is no big youtubers in it. So, a bigger youtuber said that go ahead and apply you will get approved. Obviously I got denied :( So now I feel stuck. I approach people trying to collab on videos on youtube to boost each other channels and they ignore me.The one time I was accepted to collab it was a bunch of preteens and I felt old as dirt and it unorganized so now I am leery with playing with people under 17.Then I am being told my channel is too random by some people. But I want my channel to reflect my interest (Gaming,anime,movies,and food). Then , I am afraid to post certain videos because I don't have the protection of a partnership. But, then when I am interested in some programs I get horror stories. LOL, I am so confused..... Help!!!
I know this dosent help you out much and you wouldnt suggest it, but how do you even get on machinima realms?
You can apply.
Anyway, regarding your actual question... I wouldnt rush into a network for some form of protection, just check out some lists of what games you can record, dont use copy right music, get EVERYTHING you have permisson to use written down on paper with links dates and times and have fun.
You really don't want to be a Machinima director/Partner anymore. There is a reason why everyone has been leaving them recently. Just move on. It is not about how many people say no. It is about how many say YES. The more you ask, the more "yes"'s you will get. (And no, don't start spamming people, because that is not what I mean)
Machinima as a network has had its name and reputation dragged through the dirt for the countless amounts of shady s**t they do. Doesn't the fact that they made you re edit a video 4 times in a row bother you ? Just think about how much they are willing to just take away as much as your own personal ideas and creativity and are trying to force you into creating a bunch of content they want so they dont have to do it themselves

In short tell them to go f**k themselves and just carry on doing your own thing

Focus more on promoting yourself and keep looking out for other people to work/collab with. Thinking about networks all the time will only get in the way of you making your own content.
Machinima are a terrible network and are dying. Many partners have left them now and moved onto other networks. They are losing a lot of money from investors simply because it is not turning a profit and they could possibly be gone within the next year or so.
Machinima as a network has had its name and reputation dragged through the dirt for the countless amounts of shady s**t they do. Doesn't the fact that they made you re edit a video 4 times in a row bother you ? Just think about how much they are willing to just take away as much as your own personal ideas and creativity and are trying to force you into creating a bunch of content they want so they dont have to do it themselves

In short tell them to go f**k themselves and just carry on doing your own thing

Focus more on promoting yourself and keep looking out for other people to work/collab with. Thinking about networks all the time will only get in the way of you making your own content.
Machinima are a terrible network and are dying. Many partners have left them now and moved onto other networks. They are losing a lot of money from investors simply because it is not turning a profit and they could possibly be gone within the next year or so.
I miss the good old times where Machinima stood for the highest quality content provided on YouTube, which has turned more and less to unoriginal bullcrap seen everywhere and unfunny loads of CoD montages and bragging kids who keep shoving in your face that they are awesome for being a Machinima partner and such... which just makes me put up a smugface while keep saying ignorance is bliss in my head. Surely there are some good people in Machinima, but sadly the network overall has turned to s**t. I haven't heard anything good about them lately and I doubt this is all just coincidence.