Gaming Looking for people to join YouTube gaming group


Well-Known Member
Hello, we are Gilded Phoenix Studios. We are a diverse group of people that seek to create a successful YouTube channel. We are seeking members who have similar goals. We are a passionate group who aim to one day own a multipurpose studio to produce content that will both entertain and inspire. If you think that you can contribute to our group and are a good fit, then please apply and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


  • Age minimum is 17+

  • Availability

    • Recorder: Generally online but needs to be online Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

    • Editor: Generally online, but needs to upload Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays

  • Would you like to be a recorder and / or an editor?

    • Do you have any past work, if so link it(it can be unlisted).

  • Timezone/Country of Residence

  • What is your Steam?

  • What other games you play?

  • Why do you want to join Gilded Phoenix Studios?

  • Do you have Skype, Discord, or both?

  • Youtube Channel Link?

  • What could you bring to the group? The more explanation the better!
Hey I would be interested although I am 2 years under your age limit people say im mature for my age
  • GMT +2
  • Linking is it allowed it doesn't let me

  • CSGO,ArchAge,Arma 2/3,Dayz,DirtyBomb,EurTruck2,Rainbow 6 seig, and more but these are the main

  • sound like a fun tame to be part of and I would love to make videos whit a group of people

  • Both

  • I'm on my phone so linking is difficult but I have no sub since i just recently decide to actually start

  • A person whit some decent editing skills and a generally fun person to play whit