Gaming Looking For Gaming Collab 13-14 years


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so recently I've really taken interest in youtube and set out a schedule that i want to get in to and hopefully grow my channel .
I do Fifa AND gaming videos and i'm looking for 1-2 people to collab with that are aged 13-14
Games that we would be Playing
Payday 2
Golf With Friends
And any games we want to play really that will be fun
Hello JoelGreen99! I was hoping to do a collab with you. How can we get in touch?
Hey david add me on Skype or Discord - Discord User Hame is JoelGreen99 and skype is joel Green with a blue gaming controller icon - that is all - Have a good day and hopefully we'll be in Contact soon
Hey is it ok if I discord u?[DOUBLEPOST=1477344314,1477344205][/DOUBLEPOST]send your discord 4 digit tag