Looking for feedback on my recent Dead Cells (videogame) video

I've recently started getting back into YouTube content creation and this is my first video. Right off the bad I know there are issues with the volume mixing (I intend to re-upload the video at a later date as I now know how to resolve them in Adobe PP).

Any feedback is appreciated, the video is kind of abrasive and quite possibly offensive to some but it's all done in a jocular fashion and not intended to upset people. Although that's part of the reason I am looking for feedback, to help draw the line on what is too far.

Anyways thank you in advance to anyone who replies or just watches the video. If you do post feedback feel free to post a video of your own and I will leave feedback for that in turn.

Honestly, don't see nothing wrong with anything on the video besides the said "sound", really great production, seems very professional.