Looking for a YT manager


Message me if you need anything :)
Looking for someone to help manage our community channel BudgetGamers. We are growing, but i'd like for us to grow more. We need someone who has experience promoting channels and wants to join a community.

I'am American, so while another American is fine, we'd prefer a European. Most of our members are European so when they submit videos I'am not up to receive them. Uploads could be done while I'am asleep if we had a European manager.

You must be trusted and i'll require we talk for a bit before a final decision is made.

You'll be asked to occasionally reply to comments on the channel and to act as BudgetGamers on social media, etc. Your main goal is to manage the channel by promoting, sharing, and linking with it. You are a leader of BG and will be require to act like one. Meaning immaturity is not accepted during serious matters. Thus a minimum age of 16 is required, unless I know you to be mature.

This is voluntary, we do not generate revenue. This is for the love of gaming, and for the community. Maybe once we get bigger we can open shops and such to bring money in, but for now it isn't needed.

My skype is bmfchaos
Looking for someone to help manage our community channel BudgetGamers. We are growing, but i'd like for us to grow more. We need someone who has experience promoting channels and wants to join a community.

I'am American, so while another American is fine, we'd prefer a European. Most of our members are European so when they submit videos I'am not up to receive them. Uploads could be done while I'am asleep if we had a European manager.

You must be trusted and i'll require we talk for a bit before a final decision is made.

You'll be asked to occasionally reply to comments on the channel and to act as BudgetGamers on social media, etc. Your main goal is to manage the channel by promoting, sharing, and linking with it. You are a leader of BG and will be require to act like one. Meaning immaturity is not accepted during serious matters. Thus a minimum age of 16 is required, unless I know you to be mature.

This is voluntary, we do not generate revenue. This is for the love of gaming, and for the community. Maybe once we get bigger we can open shops and such to bring money in, but for now it isn't needed.

My skype is bmfchaos
Hey bro I thought about what you said but I dunno if you accept me since I'm only 14 on the other hand you do know me a little bit since I'm already a member of budget gamers. I mean i wanna belive I'm fairly mature for my age but really the main reason I wanted to sign up for this was cause you asked for a European and I am very professional when it comes to seo specially tags, I have been studying how to make good tags soo much. In fact the first video I posted on my own channel ranked in the first page for about 6-7 tags which is kinda crazy consider I had no fanbase it all to work with. But yeah i dunno we could potentionly talk on skype but I got school today. Anyway it's your choise bud but I'll be here for you if you decide to give me a chance ;)
Looking for someone to help manage our community channel BudgetGamers. We are growing, but i'd like for us to grow more. We need someone who has experience promoting channels and wants to join a community.

I'am American, so while another American is fine, we'd prefer a European. Most of our members are European so when they submit videos I'am not up to receive them. Uploads could be done while I'am asleep if we had a European manager.

You must be trusted and i'll require we talk for a bit before a final decision is made.

You'll be asked to occasionally reply to comments on the channel and to act as BudgetGamers on social media, etc. Your main goal is to manage the channel by promoting, sharing, and linking with it. You are a leader of BG and will be require to act like one. Meaning immaturity is not accepted during serious matters. Thus a minimum age of 16 is required, unless I know you to be mature.

This is voluntary, we do not generate revenue. This is for the love of gaming, and for the community. Maybe once we get bigger we can open shops and such to bring money in, but for now it isn't needed.

My skype is bmfchaos

I think this is a great idea! Maybe instead of applicants ask someone's to join the community and get to know them much better before giving them a job of higher recruitment. Just really get to know the applicants I think!
This a great idea to have some expert to promote your work. You may use the collaboration forum in order to reach the exact requirement.
Just my opinion but this just seems like a bit of a scummy idea. first off you upload content that other have made, so no creativity on your part.
Second you want someone to come and do all the hard leg work for you and for free, all the promoting, sharing and linking.
Let me guess, if this ever got popular you would enable ads (if you have not already) and the enjoy easy revenue that everyone but yourself has earnt?

Tell me if I'm wrong
Just my opinion but this just seems like a bit of a scummy idea. first off you upload content that other have made, so no creativity on your part.
Second you want someone to come and do all the hard leg work for you and for free, all the promoting, sharing and linking.
Let me guess, if this ever got popular you would enable ads (if you have not already) and the enjoy easy revenue that everyone but yourself has earnt?

Tell me if I'm wrong
Yes you are, im in budget gamers and this is not scummy it all im the newest member and just a jackass would ask to get paid for uploading video you dont even need to record and edit them all, i would be happy to take the job to do that and thats the deal with a community you help each other grow + Brenden does hard work to so far im pretty sure he is the only one that has been uploading and sharing all of the content so this is not a scummy job its a easy and good opertunity that anybody thankfull would take but i guess all you would care about is money