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i don't have a fb page for you to like back! but i still liked your FB page cause i think your vids are cool! haha buuut maybe you could just like my featured video or something
Thank you! I rated you commented on your videos. That was a great video! You guys should do another fighter parody like that. Street Fighter vs MK. Just think how many hits that video would get!
Thank you! I rated you commented on your videos. That was a great video! You guys should do another fighter parody like that. Street Fighter vs MK. Just think how many hits that video would get!

thank you so much man!! haha actually something like that is already in the works! the video you saw was made in 2006 we where limited to alot of stuff back then! but now we don't really have any limits! so that one will be awesome to make!! :D thanks again man!
I liked your facebook page:) I really enjoy your video especially that one with Christian Bale that was just gold!!
keep on going man!