Killing Your Channel

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I've Got It
Nov 28, 2016
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I think that's great advice for *any* creative occupation: writing, acting, painter. Once you start comparing yourself to others instead of focussing on doing the best you you can, it's a nasty spiral of doubt and self-recriminations.
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Be good to self.
Nov 17, 2015
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One of the things I try to keep in mind is that some of the best productions in theater I've been involved in have had fairly small audiences. Sometimes it's helpful to me, and sometimes...nope! :)

But it is good to remember that the size of the audience is not a direct corollary to the quality of the work.
Sep 23, 2017
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This was such an incredibly insightful post because it is super relatable. I recently returned to my YouTube channel after taking a break due to feeling overwhelmed by how slow my channel was growing. I, too, started comparing myself to the success of others and it was ruining the experience for me. Plus, when hurricane Irma hit South Florida, which is where I am based, I was unable to create content for a while. However, after thinking about how far I have come after only a few months I knew that, deep down, it would be a huge regret if I would have given up on my channel completely. I remembered that I created my channel because I wanted to break out of my comfort zone and do something that would challenge me every single day. Upon returning, I have been more motivated than ever to create amazing, high quality content for my viewers and subscribers no matter the number. I feel like this post needed to written and posted, thank you so much for sharing!

I encourage those who are doubting themselves to never give up because as the quote goes "Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey.."

Again, amazing post and I wish you much success on YouTube!

Alright so it's no secret that killing your channel is one of the easiest things to do on YT. With the way YT works it's sometimes hard to even get your channel to be alive anymore. Smaller YouTubers seem to kill their channels all the time. I'm here to tell you that subscriber counts and view counts mean nothing. I'm here to tell you that the likes do not matter as well. What matters is YOU. It's called YOUtube for a reason It's easy to compare yourself to so many content creators. It's easy to compare and wish that you have what they have. I can understand that. However, you do that too much and soon it becomes so demoralizing. You lose motivation. You start uploading less frequently. Or you upload just as frequent, but it's rushed and obvious that you did not put hard work into that video. I've killed my channel multiple times. I've returned from it many times, but it's, excuse my language, an absolute b***h to try and return from. My channel was doing so well at one point, then I lost all interest. I started live streaming and was gaining so many subs. I was getting 40+ viewers a stream. Getting 200+ views a video. I was finally getting something from the hard work. Then along the way subs became slightly inactive, but it wasn't so bad. However, I made it seem worse than it actually was. I made it seem like I was losing everything. I was once again comparing myself to everyone's success. I was worrying so much about numbers that I forgot why I started doing YT in the first place. I did it because I wanted to create content that I and everyone else could enjoy. Now I sit here with 7k subs and barely anyone to truly notice my videos. If I had kept it up I believe things would be different.

I urge you to not make the mistakes I made. There is always going to be someone doing better than you. Do not compare yourself to them. It strips you away of your motivation. It ruins you. I know it did that for me. DO NOT worry about what the sub count, view count, and like count says right now. Don't worry if it's low. Don't worry if the ratio is off when comparing subs to views. Don't worry if a certain video gets less views than the other. It sounds so simple, but trust me I bet you are doing it right now without actually noticing it. I don't want to see anyone else kill their channel like I did many times. It isn't worth it. With the problems YT has right now, it's nearly impossible for smaller people to return from it.

Just take your time. Your time will come. You will get your chance. Nearly ANYONE can get big on YT. Anyone can. Does not mean everyone will. There are many reasons why everyone won't. Usually it is the fault of the content creator in all honest. However, the way YT works doesn't help either.

This doesn't mean that you should stop. Not at all.

As Casey Neistat said.... Just Keep Uploading.


Sep 5, 2013
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@Kiaraivelisse xo

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