is my channel name and design moronic?


Jul 20, 2017
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Channel Type
Hello everyone,

I'm developing a YouTube channel from the ground up. The channel is called thetenhouse. Essentially, I love top ten videos and I want to create them across genres of science, history, popular culture, business, art, etc. I'm hoping that in a few years the channel will inspire a creative design studio that will produce products and work collaboratively with other creatives.

I took a stab at developing a logo (avatar) and a banner but I'm not really confident about it. Maybe because it's so new and has yet to grow on me. I would love any thoughts on the logo, name, channel, and my first video below. I want to create a branded splash page for all my videos at some point, a page with British voicever that says "this is a ten house video" or something like that. We'll see.

Part of me thought it may have made more sense to write here first before creating everything, but I also thought I should just get on with it, otherwise I will procrastinate and hesitate too much. So I took a "learn on the job" approach.

I'd be grateful for any comments, suggestions, thoughts, etc.