Is it even okay to do Let's Play ?


Hello everyone.

I just subscribed to this forum in order to ask you a general question, I don't intend to advertise for my channel here.

On YouTube, is it really okay to make and monetize videos of Let's Play ?
Please, keep in mind that I don't want to read if you don't like LP and think that they don't deserve to monetize their content. It's not the point of my question, which is simply to acknowledge by facts, if it's really possible to monetize those videos properly.
Because I think YouTube is a big fat confusing grey area about this, it's a mess... !

Let's take an example. I decided to do a Let's Play of the game Amnesia: The Dark Descent by Frictional Games. You can clearly see that they are Let's Play friendly.
(You can check by yourselves because I can't post links, but they are since the Nintendo case a lot of lists of developpers who are LP friendly, like on reddit, wiki, etc...)
All was in order to me, so I decided to monetize it.

Everything was fine during months. And all of sudden, they ask me more informations. It has a [!] exclamation instead of the [$] sign. The thing is, what can I say to them, to justify that I can monetize those videos ? It's not just the game recorded. I added entertaining commentary, facecam, visuals that I draw... I try my best to add great content on each and every single one of my videos, and all my subscribers congratulates me about it.

So what do I need more ? What do I have to say, to copy paste, so they leave me alone ?
Do I have to join a network ? I don't even know.
I simply don't want this to happen on all of my videos.

Thanks in advance for your answers.
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Your safer with gaming networks and they can give you advice more directly. Partnering with YouTube or monitizing using adsense, you need to have written consent for ANY game you put up so you can prove you have permission. Its annoying, but if people say they are LP friendly then its true, but it usually means its fine as long as you ask.

Send the developer an email explaining what you want to do and asking if it was possible to monetize it and if the answer is yes then ask what they want you to do to help them and they might ask you to leave a link to buy the game. The only other way you can be safe is if their website has a page which tells you what you can use and monetize.

Unfortunately it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to this stuff, and if you can try not to dispute these claims unless you know 100% you are fine. Otherwise your account might be closed in the worst case.
Yes it's ok. But if you want to make money of it it's better if you join some network for youtube partnership ...
Youtube sees your videos as something that you own. But you don't own that game you play do you? I mean you didn't make it...
Just apply for partnership with some network like socialblade or tgn etc... and you should be fine.
It happens to me sometimes on some games, like you said a lot of games like amnesia and minecraft are letsplay friendly, but a few are not. I was doing a letsplay of max payne 3 and it could not be monitized, they did not get a lot of views so I did not really mind but I see your frustration. Joining a network should help but it takes a lot of time to decide which ones are good so do your research.
I hope I helped a bit and good luck!
Contrary to what everyone might say, you aren't safer with gaming networks. You would only be if they had contracts that would allow you to play games that usually are not allowed.
You can monetise LP videos as long as the publisher allows it, if they ask you for more proof, just send it :)
First, thanks for your answers so far.

Concerning Amnesia, well if I understand correctly, I just have to copy paste what does they say on forums, basically ? The creators and developpers and all ? And if I do that and YouTube says "nope, f u", do I have an alternative ?

I have about 1400 subscribers. Do you have any personal advice for joining a network ?
I've read a lot of subjects about it, and frankly, most of the time I come accross complains everywhere. So I'm not very confident about joining a network, I was just throwing that idea in despair... 'cause like one you guys said, it's only advantageous if they have contracts with companies that blocks you otherwise. And to my knowledge, only Machinima does that, and considering the shitstorm there is around this network...

Apparently, Curse, Union for Gamers (is that it) is the best one at the moment ?
Because, recently I've been contacted by... FullscreenReachout ? They really want me, and I found that weird.
I'm scared, man. xD
To the OP,

Let's Plays are allowed to be monetized depending on what game you are playing.

For example, there are some companies, such as Valve, who have a video policy, such as this: - The video policy states the terms of monetization, whether you can or cannot monetize the content, and under what guidelines. Many video game companies have a video policy, just google for them and it should come up near the top.

Other game companies, such as Bohemia Interactive, require a 'license', it's basically like valve's however as a written document which you sign and agree to the term's of monetization, usually it requires you to leave something in the description referencing the company. With these 'licenses' it usually covers all of their current games, however if they release a new game, make sure to double check they haven't updated the form, because usually it needs to be updated to add the new game on. These last about a year.

Hope this helps. :)