Is $0.60 RPM normal?

For BBTV, I'm hardly suprised. It's average for them, I've always seen people complaining about earning $1 or less from them. They are honestly awful.
Fullscreen are about the same I'd say. :/


I'll stick with them for now... until my 2 years contract ends...... Maybe miracle will happened and they start giving out 4 - 5 RPM LOL (Like that's gonna happen lol). I don't really need promotion from network, I know what I'm doing so I only need average to high RPM (Like 2 - 3 Rpm)...... Then I'll be satisfied, So which network you recommend for high CPM/RPM?
So I'm getting ripped off?
By the way, VISO seems to calculate RPM from only monetized views, which is half of the total views. However, all my videos are enabled for monetization. This would mean that I lose about 50% of revenue because of AdBlock and skipped ads?
Ads don't show on every view. It has nothing to do with Adblock.
... I lose about 50% of revenue because of AdBlock and skipped ads?

Viewers don't see an ad every time they watch a video. The goal is to keep them on YouTube with a fair amount of ad exposure.

Not all countries are monetized. Some are but have poor CPM's.

Not all devices show ads.
If I create an another channel (with the same adsense account than my first channel partnered with Viso ), can I be partnered with an another partner, like Fullscreen?