Most of what was said doesn't apply to most channels here. It pertains to the top level channels-ones that have 500k subs and 10 million views per month or more. When you are getting those numbers, fans will follow you to other platforms and advertisers will pay a premium to target those hardcore fans.
Here's what you guys aren't seeing: you are a content creator, not a youtuber. You create videos and YouTube is simply one method of delivering your content to your fanbase. Any platform that can undercut the 45% that YouTube charges is a good thing and all top level channels will at least consider moving if a viable alternative to YouTube appears. No channel will completely move from YouTube-in the case of Blip, they release material a few weeks early on Blip before releasing it to YouTube. It requires a minimum of effort and the numbers don't need to be as high as YouTube to make an impact due to the larger profit margin since the 45% no longer has to be paid. And taking content off YouTube its delivery system is good for business. If people go to your website to watch your videos instead of their sub box, that takes YouTube glitches out of the equation. Many top channels already do that with embedding on their site via YouTube. If Blip can cut a better deal, you can bet all those websites will be embedding from Blip instead.
Does YouTube want to shut down MCNs? Not for small channels, but they are starting to take the beginning steps towards reclaiming their top channels. A personal rep, sales team, production facilities and main page promotion via theme weeks are all ways that YouTube has upstaged MCNs at their own game lately. And there's been a growing trend with Top 100 channels leaving networks and taking advantage of what YouTube has to offer. If anything, YouTube is starting to envision MCNs as a farm system for smaller channels to develop. Once they hit 100k subs, most channels that are good at negotiating will be able to sign a deal that makes them unprofitable to a network. When that happens, a network has to find other ways to get value out of those channels or they'll end up losing them to YouTube.