I Wish I Honestly Knew How To Grow


I go by Purpleoak and I am kinda losing hope of ever at least been able to make it on Youtube at all. I mean even remotely. Making a little bit of extra money wouldn't be bad. It just seems like the more I actually try to do better SEO, titles, thumbnails, descriptions, all that stuff. It just really doesn't help at all.

Then I look at other channels who try and criticize my Youtube stuff and some weird magical way they are the ones who are growing. I honestly don't understand how they do it. Unless they like spam the F out of their channel on everyone else's channels, I don't know. Some probably do the sub4sub sh*t which if that is the case they can keep doing that.

I know the Gaming section on Youtube is just overly populated. That is why I try and do different things on my channel when it comes to games. I try to avoid doing strictly walkthroughs , because you just can't compete with the guys who are really well established Youtubers.

I mean I am always learning new things when it comes to SEO which is great in my opinion. I implement the end screens, cards, call to actions buttons, I try to be very engaging. I even sometimes promote my channel/videos on just a select few locations because I don't want to spam anyone. Does anyone have any tips maybe that I am not doing? I use Tubebuddy, VidiQ,Rapidtags, Google keywords, and a few other keyword sites. I am always looking for ways to improve on everything. Sorry for the mini-rant everyone.
You must understand that in gaming the trend does everything.

I can understand that you want to bring a specificity to your channel but you have replaced the only traction that a small youtube channel can have (trending games) by something that's not trending right now (indie horror games?)
I'm not a creator or viewer of the gaming section, however I'm sure everyone on YT can understand feeling frustrated about not growing at their expected pace. But maybe ask yourself, do you love doing YT videos or are you doing it just for the idea of being popular/highly viewed/paid for doing it? Trying super hard, just like in real life, can sometimes have the opposite effect.

Just my two cents. Best of luck to you!