I need your help with a video idea


Loving YTtalk
Hey so I can't think of a video idea lately and I could use your help....

What's my video style? My video style I is basically talking infront of a camera about anything.

So yeah I could use your help, because I'm having trouble coming up with an idea for an video. Thanks :)
My suggestion to you buddy is to use the youtube keyword tool here --- https://ads.youtube.com/keyword_tool
type in random topics and make a video about the most popular ones, usually the ones with most monthly searches... This would REALLY help you stand out for people are already looking for those topics.

Also do your best and make them good! Good luck bro :)
Look at news and current affairs, things that people are talking about and so searches will be higher. As mentioned, keywords is very useful.
You could talk about anything interesting news stories with celebrities or sports, you can do a Q&A vlog as well