"I love your videos, channel pls subscribe"Comments are ANNOYING

Cameron Arnold

Loving YTtalk
I'm a nice and patient guy but there's a limit to how much I can take it most of my recent videos ALWAYS have that one comment saying "Subscribe to my channel please" it's 2018 why can't people realize it's take patience, hard work and a little bit of luck to do YouTube who else have this problem
I have this all the time and I hate it because I feel like they are disrespecting all the hard work I put into my videos by advertising there’s. I will even have people who hardly upload tell me to subscribe and it frustrates me because they don’t put any effort in their videos.
I'm a nice and patient guy but there's a limit to how much I can take it most of my recent videos ALWAYS have that one comment saying "Subscribe to my channel please" it's 2018 why can't people realize it's take patience, hard work and a little bit of luck to do YouTube who else have this problem
It's useless even if you subscribe but don't like watch their content, they don't make money off the subscribers but off the views. I had it a few times before, bunch of beans.
They get deleted instantly. I do not give those people the time of day. I don't subscribe to people unless I like their content. And people have to impress me in order to earn my subscription. And then there is the fact I can't watch the content others put out because I simply don't have the time to do so. I try on my lunch hour at work. But when I get home I usually want to chill out with the fam until it is time for the kids to go to bed. Then I watch some shows, edit some or record a gameplay for my gaming channel. Not enough time in the day I tell you!
I do also see that when they comment that, they only see a few seconds of the channel and doesn´t even subscribe! So they spam, and being disrespectful and lies at the same time!
Has that ever worked by the way? doesn´t people already know that people find that annoying?
I've had this kind of stuff once or twice in the past...typically I play it out with them. Try to get them to comment as much as possible because youtube cant tell the difference between good comments, bad comments and begging (it just sees interaction) I can easily rack up 15-20 comments on a video just by asking a begger what there contents about without ever clicking subscribe.
I use to get those comments all the time until I went into my comments section and added "Plz Subscribe" and "Please Subscribe" to the keyword for comments that are not approved. I haven't gotten any since so I'm assuming it worked just fine. =] But I do agree that those comments are super annoying. People need to put the work in not just beg for it.
It is not only the "plz sub" it is also the first section of the phrase: "nice video".
Hillarious moments when I get a notification of commenting in blog's support videos
(a simple screenshot image floating in the video for 10-15 seconds...) video...
what are they thinking while commenting?
Do they even speak even basic English?

:D :p :)
I just think it's hilarious. It's not their fault I guess. Youtube is a hard platform for newbies, they are probably extremely inexperienced and don't know how youtube works or just kids :p