I left ATV, now what?


Active Member
I decided to leave ATV 2 weeks ago and they finally lifted me but i am not sure which networks should i join.
I got more then 60k views total and i am getting 1k views per day.

Network who i dont want to join:
Maker Studio or any their devision including RPM
Look around and apply to some. If you like any of the contracts you are offered, go with them.
I applied to Fullscreen but i am thinking to join Machinima
Since i upload music mainly which one is better?
im partnered with atv but i would say you should go with yeousch, i know several people with them and have had nothing but good reviews :)
I am Partnered with ATV too, i suggest you to go with Fullscreen.

Btw recieved an awesome Message vom atv today :D
i think you should look around and see what offers the different Networks can give you. i think networks like RPM is not for everyone, and the same goes for any other network. it's all about finding the right one for you :)
I'd say try out a no lock network such as curse for a month, and see 1) are your cpms highers than with adsense alone 2) are they providing you with anything you can't provide for yourself?