I am a Partner!


I Love YTtalk
This is my 2nd milestone post ever so let me make it a dosey! I am offically partnerted through http://fullscreen.net The guy who accepted me said along with the original and funny videos I come out with frequently he said the other big reason they accepted me was people who where subbed to me frequently thumbs up my videos and leave comments so I have to thank all of the people who has watched or subbed my channel. I also wanna thank Kat for making some awesome thumbnails for me even though they aren't showing up yet! But when they do it will be awesome! ME = HAPPYThe Happening Rant Thumbnail.jpg
Here is my most current videos new thumbnail! Thanks again Kat! I appreciate it! They look so afraid of the title lol I love it!
Skelekore's new Thumbnail! AWESOME!!!
Skelecore101 thumbnail.jpg