How would people find my content?

Desean Dwyer

Active Member
Hi everyone,

My name is Desean Dwyer and I create content relating to Graphic Design.
How should I advertise my content and where should I share it?
Can anyone help me to create an information rich description and help me with what hashtags to use?

Many thanks,

Deviant Art and Facebook could be a big help other then Youtube. =]
For me most of my freelance business comes from word of mouth. "Hey, So and So is really good at this and could help you out." $$$
Or if it's not money in the beginning then you could also do some work for free to help people out just to really get your name out there too. =] I believe any Videographer, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Artist, etc still does this to build their audience and clients.

As far as information rich description I don't think I could help out there.
If it's describing you and your work then just keep working at it until one sticks out as your favorite. =] Kind of like a short bio.
I think this is more of a branding / channel design question, so I moved it to that particular discussion forum. ^_^
Hi desean:)
If you havent already done it I suggest you try to work on your SEO. Find keywords/phrases relating to "Graphic Design." without too much competition. Work on everything from your titles to your descriptions and tags. I usually takes some time of it is free:)
I think the best way to promote your youtube videos is by using your social media like facebook, twitter etc.I mean most of us have over 100+ friends on Facebook, so what can be the better way than promoting your videos on your social media.You can use different forums to promote your videos.Reddit can be a great way to gain traffic to your channel, but only if you post your videos into the correct subreddit.
I think the best way to promote our video through sossial medai and forums like this forum because we participate in the forum we get a lot of knowledge from the master and also can add friends and of course our videos we can also promote there
Social media is the way to go in most cases, twitter, facebook, instagram ect.
Make sure you share interesting/nice things on your social media not just 'I uploaded a video', try and build an audience on other social media that can go TO your youtube channel, rather than making a social media based entirely on your channel, if that makes sense, especially for twitter!