how to you determine weather a video is a good video or not?


Super Poster
I recently started a series of videos on my channel that are doing very well and have really been helping to grow my channel. seems most every video on that project views exceed my subscriber number within the first few days. but its certainly throwing me off on video's that are not on that project.


like todays video is on a related topic but not on the project that is doing exceptionally well. video has over 200 likes 0 dislikes has still hit more than 10% of my sub number in the first 7 hours. seems to me to be within the realm of a good video for the size of my channel but youtube in there little advice section in studio beta indicates its a bad video. would like some advice on how to interpret this? I kind of feel like the really good performance of some other video's just throws off there "advice" and the video is really more of average of what should be expected on a channel my size.

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