How to keep videos short?


Active Member
Jan 16, 2017
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Longer videos are good for YouTube because that's what they want, but sometimes short videos will do just fine. I'd say do some long and some short and see what works best for your channel and your viewers.

If you are having trouble cutting down a video, try cutting it in half and having 2 separate videos instead of one larger one. If that doesn't work, record less at at time which will force you to have shorter videos. :) Multiple ways to work with this, but everything depends on what you want to do as a creator.
Hmm, if I split a gaming video in half though, I'll have the introduction and sign-off in different videos, and I might end up with a bad stopping point. I don't think splitting a gaming video really works. I already try to record little enough to keep it short while still making an interesting video, but I guess I could record less if need be.

Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll keep doing what I've been doing while also trying to experiment with shorter videos.