How to create own youtube network or how to become parter fast?

Then how do you think you'll be paying for staff and premises?
even the basic staff with be on nearly 250 grand a year total salaries.
It's a good thing to have, but you don't NEED it. Quite a few MCNs were started by friends or volunteers with promise of future pay ^^.
Very basics for APPLYING to become an MCN

- Have good relations with a Google London MCN representitive
- Have atleast 5 years experience as a business in the talent and advertising sector or have backing from other significant MCNs and media investors
- Have 2-3 ad sale members to sell adds on to you channels via the adwords publisher tool
- Know your way around copyright and the YouTube content-id cms
- Type up a business plan and the sufficient financial documents
- Have at least a 400,000 start up capital
- Make sure you're at least 20
- Propose to expand on a niche that another MCN doesn't already cater to and provide features that google cannot provide channels themselves.

Chances of being accepted after submitting an application with everything in order, 1 in 50 maximum.

None of those things you listed are actual requirements, though they do help.
Ok,now i'm confused, in russian help i found only partnered account and MCN (multychennel network - means one my account where i can connect lots of youtube chennels) so i dont know what is VN and CA , what is the differnce between them? )