How to create own youtube network or how to become parter fast?


Hello everyone! I'm new in this forum, but not a newbie about working with youtube. BUT, a need u'r help ladies and gentlemens :-)
I already try to contact few ppl from one thread about MCN, but also will post here, mb somebody will help.
Can smbd help with some advices of creating own youtube network? Is it neccessary to be partnered at first?
And about partnering, is there is some fast ways becoming partner, if we a big video prodaction studio and have lots of our old videos and lots of upcoming new ones? Also our projects are on tv in our country. Category is humor (we also have two old our channels with 40-50k subs and more than 12m views the are connected to networks, but we are no more supportig them(our own reason) and starting new channel for lots of ourprojects). Write now we uploading old videos from our old channels to the new one. And this is why asking about fast ways of partnering for a big tv company and also about creating network. Fast partnering - but without connecting us to some network, we want it by ourself. Country is Ukrain and we on the list. Mb there is some direct contacts who to call or something else? Thank's .
First of all...No copyright,as I saw your channel it has Russian videos with copyright ( If i'm correct ) . After you start making your own videos you will promote your videos as much as you can ( Facebook , Twitter , Skype , Friends , Forums ) and more sources..Then when you get 200 views/per day ( Many require that,there are a few with lower req , but they are awful ) Send me a private with your active channel,let's say..I'll help you.
making your own network solves nothing if you cant be partnered regularly honestly.
First of all...No copyright,as I saw your channel it has Russian videos with copyright ( If i'm correct ) . After you start making your own videos you will promote your videos as much as you can ( Facebook , Twitter , Skype , Friends , Forums ) and more sources..Then when you get 200 views/per day ( Many require that,there are a few with lower req , but they are awful ) Send me a private with your active channel,let's say..I'll help you.
Ok, about the first thing - connected channel to my forum profile - is not the one that i'm talking about :-) About second thing - there is no copyright overe there...and also it is not about this chennel, i'm talking about other one, but i'm administrating it. te whole story u know, two old ones partnered through some network, write now we are not supporting those channels and made a new one and moving old videos there. This is why asking about partnering, some content are shown on ukrainian tv, but we are the rights owners and have all docs.
Very basics for APPLYING to become an MCN

- Have good relations with a Google London MCN representitive
- Have atleast 5 years experience as a business in the talent and advertising sector or have backing from other significant MCNs and media investors
- Have 2-3 ad sale members to sell adds on to you channels via the adwords publisher tool
- Know your way around copyright and the YouTube content-id cms
- Type up a business plan and the sufficient financial documents
- Have at least a 400,000 start up capital
- Make sure you're at least 20
- Propose to expand on a niche that another MCN doesn't already cater to and provide features that google cannot provide channels themselves.

Chances of being accepted after submitting an application with everything in order, 1 in 50 maximum.
- Have good relations with a Google London MCN representitive
how to contact them?
- Have atleast 5 years experience as a business in the talent and advertising sector or have backing from other significant MCNs and media investors
it's ok, experience from 2001
- Have 2-3 ad sale members to sell adds on to you channels via the adwords publisher tool
is it neccessary much?
- Know your way around copyright and the YouTube content-id cms
it's ok
- Type up a business plan and the sufficient financial documents
all documents we have, what about bussiness plan? we need to send to youtube?
- Have at least a 400,000 start up capital
capital for what? And how to prove that we have it?
- Make sure you're at least 20
it's ok
- Propose to expand on a niche that another MCN doesn't already cater to and provide features that google cannot provide channels themselves.
did't get it.
how to contact them?
it's ok, experience from 2001
is it neccessary much?
it's ok
all documents we have, what about bussiness plan? we need to send to youtube?
capital for what? And how to prove that we have it?
it's ok
did't get it.
If you have to ask, its never going to happen..
First of all...No copyright,as I saw your channel it has Russian videos with copyright ( If i'm correct ) . After you start making your own videos you will promote your videos as much as you can ( Facebook , Twitter , Skype , Friends , Forums ) and more sources..Then when you get 200 views/per day ( Many require that,there are a few with lower req , but they are awful ) Send me a private with your active channel,let's say..I'll help you.
MCN or CA? ;P[DOUBLEPOST=1379437316,1379437269][/DOUBLEPOST]
Very basics for APPLYING to become an MCN

- Have good relations with a Google London MCN representitive
- Have atleast 5 years experience as a business in the talent and advertising sector or have backing from other significant MCNs and media investors
- Have 2-3 ad sale members to sell adds on to you channels via the adwords publisher tool
- Know your way around copyright and the YouTube content-id cms
- Type up a business plan and the sufficient financial documents
- Have at least a 400,000 start up capital
- Make sure you're at least 20
- Propose to expand on a niche that another MCN doesn't already cater to and provide features that google cannot provide channels themselves.

Chances of being accepted after submitting an application with everything in order, 1 in 50 maximum.
The startup capital thing is not true.